
Friday, March 19, 2010

Amazon Announce Kindle for Macintosh Application

At last! We can now get kindle books on the Macintosh.

For a long time I have been trying to read ebooks. I've tried a psion, Palm (many sorts) and the iphone. They are all so small, you can't see the words. The iphone has been a big improvement on this, because you can make the text bigger, and the screen is bigger. But still, who wants to read a book with only a few line on each page. You spend all day turning pages. Even a small book ends up with thousands of pages.

The Kindle looks different. First, it's big. So much bigger than the iphone and nexus. That on it's own is probably the best part. But are there any good ebooks out there?

I read a lot of business books, books like:
Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture by Ellen Ruppel Shell
Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson

I have a large number of books, because I like to read. So would it bee nice to have hundreds of books in my Kindle instead of on the shelf. Yes, it think it would. You could close the business book and open the fiction story.

I see that many of the books I want to read are not in the Kindle store yet, but I see more and more appearing every day. I see the ebook as the way head.

I'm hoping that when I get my Kindle, ebooks will feel like a read book, but I will be able to carry all the books I want, with out the storage problem.

How does this help if you want to learn Vectorworks? I have started to convert my short sharp manuals to Kindle format:

Quickstart Guide Vectorworks 2010
Stacked Layers/Unified View and Setting up layers in Vectorworks
Irrigation Tools in Vectorworks 12-2010

These could be stored in the Kindle, and used on your desk as a Vectorworks training resource. I also noticed that you can copy PDF from your computer to the Kindle. This would allow you to copy my monthly manuals from my subscription service. and keep them in the kindle for when you want to access them. The Short Sharp Manuals from my store could also be copied to your Kindle.

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