
Saturday, January 19, 2013

[Archoncad] Weekly Digest Email 11 (blogs and movies for Vectorworks)

This week i posted the following blogs:

Interactive Workshops January 2013

Design layers and classes are the two most important organising concepts that
you need to understand in order to create drawings in Vectorworks. I still find
some users are confused about when to use a layer and when to us a class to
organise their drawings. I use three simple rules to decide when I need a new
class, and three simple rules to decide when I need new design layers.

SST_1301 - Layers and Classes

Design layers and classes are the two most important organising concepts that
you need to understand in order to create drawings in Vectorworks. I still find
some users are confused about when to use a layer and when to us a class to
organise their drawings. I use three simple rules to decide when I need a new
class, and three simple rules to decide when I need new design layers.

epodcast169 - When to Use Symbols

Symbols are generally thought of as relatively small repeating objects. So first
of all you should use symbols whenever you need to repeat something, like
sanitary fixtures, light fixtures, furniture, and so on.

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