
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Power of Custom Selection in Vectorworks: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome! Today, we will be exploring the concept of using the custom selection tool in Vectorworks. While some may consider this tool to be more advanced, I believe it is essential to cover it early on as it offers tremendous value in streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.

The custom selection tool allows users to select specific objects based on their criteria, making it easier to work with complex designs and large files. In this article, we will delve into the various functionalities of the custom selection tool and discuss its implications for Vectorworks users. Let's get started!

Exploring the Custom Selection Tool

The custom selection tool is a powerful feature in Vectorworks that allows users to select objects based on specific criteria. One of the main challenges in selecting objects is ensuring that you choose the right ones without accidentally excluding or including unwanted elements. The custom selection tool provides a solution to this problem by allowing users to define their selection criteria precisely.

Jonathan, the host of the Getting Started special interest group, demonstrates the use of the custom selection tool in the transcript. He begins by explaining the difficulties of selecting specific objects, such as doors, within a complex design. He demonstrates how the select similar tool can be used to select objects based on their object type or class. However, he also highlights the limitations of this approach, particularly when dealing with objects inside groups or symbols.

To overcome these limitations, Jonathan introduces the custom selection tool. He explains that the custom selection tool creates a macro that automates the selection process based on the user's defined criteria. This eliminates the need for manual selection and allows for more precise and efficient workflows.

Using the Custom Selection Tool

Jonathan walks the participants through the process of using the custom selection tool. He explains that the tool offers two options: select only and deselect. Select only allows users to select objects that meet the specified criteria, while deselect removes any previously selected objects and selects only the ones that match the criteria.

The criteria for selection can be customized based on various parameters, such as object type, class, or field values. Jonathan demonstrates how users can define their criteria by selecting the desired options from a list. He emphasizes the importance of choosing the right criteria to ensure accurate selection.

One of the key features of the custom selection tool is the ability to create a vector script. Jonathan explains that by converting the selection criteria into a vector script, users can create a utility palette that can be used across different projects. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in the selection process.

Implications and Potential Impact

The custom selection tool has significant implications for Vectorworks users. By automating the selection process, it allows for faster and more accurate workflows. Users no longer have to manually search for objects or navigate through complex designs to find specific elements. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and omissions.

The ability to create a vector script from the custom selection tool further enhances its usability. Users can create a library of selection utilities that can be easily accessed and used in different projects. This promotes consistency and standardization in workflows, making it easier for users to transition between projects and collaborate with others.

Additionally, the custom selection tool addresses the challenge of identifying objects on the screen plane. Jonathan demonstrates how the tool can be used to identify and convert screen plane objects to layer plane objects, ensuring compatibility with newer versions of Vectorworks. This feature is particularly useful when working with legacy files or when transitioning to newer software versions.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, the custom selection tool in Vectorworks is a powerful feature that offers significant benefits to users. Its ability to automate the selection process and create vector scripts streamlines workflows and improves efficiency. By providing precise control over selection criteria, users can easily identify and manipulate specific objects within complex designs.

Looking ahead, it is clear that the custom selection tool will continue to play a crucial role in Vectorworks' development. As the software evolves and new features are introduced, the custom selection tool will likely be enhanced to provide even more advanced selection capabilities. This will further empower users to work more efficiently and effectively with their designs.

In conclusion, the custom selection tool is a game-changer for Vectorworks users. Its ability to automate the selection process, create vector scripts, and address challenges related to screen plane objects makes it an invaluable tool for designers and architects. By leveraging the power of the custom selection tool, users can streamline their workflows, improve accuracy, and enhance collaboration.

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