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Archoncad now offers you effective In-Depth Training - when you want it, without leaving the comfort of your office or workspace! Why? Because we want you to get the best from Vectorworks! To become more skilled, productive and creative! And it's truly cost effective!

We have over a decades of experience in Vectorworks manual writing, production, and sales. Our business concept dates back to 1992, when we first started using MiniCad. We found that there were only a few training resources available at that time. Our mission has been to take away the mystery from computer-aided design.

We make Vectorworks Easy!
archoncad is the premier provider of manuals and training resources for VectorWorks. Our courses and resources will enhance your Vectorworks knowledge and productivity. We make learning Vectorworks easy, so our clients can be more creative and profitable.
"I recently purchased the training videos produced by Mr. J. Pickup. If anyone out there is thinking about these videos I just want to let you know that in my humble opinion they are very good. I have purchased many AutoCAD videos and none are as good as the Pickup videos. I don't know Mr. Pickup but he did an outstanding job. Bravo!" Mike Enriquez Architect Arizona

"I thought I'd better shoot thru an email to thank you personally for the advice on reclaiming corrupted files on Vectorworks. You have saved the day! I look forward to utilising your website & services in the future. Again, many thanks - you are a true lifesaver!" - Tony, Australia

For Vectorworks courses  click here.